Hollingsworth Funds Grant

    From Hollingsworth Funds

    To collectively remove systemic barriers based on race, place, and socioeconomic status, and strengthen pathways that propel all people forward, aiming for a vibrant, just, and inclusive Greenville where equitable opportunities exist for all to advance and thrive.

    Type of Support


    The grant focuses on strengthening pathways to career opportunities that pay a living wage, especially for low-income communities and particularly targeting Black and Hispanic/Latinx people. Guiding principles include preparing individuals for college and careers, attaining post-secondary credentials, increasing access to jobs that offer a living wage, creating opportunities for career advancement, accessing affordable housing, reducing household income spent on transportation, and building capacity and infrastructure in Greenville to implement solutions.


    Organization's Location
    occaecat duis
    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    15K – 500K


    Visit Apply for more information.

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