W. W. Burgiss Charities Grant

    To aid and promote the causes of religion, charities, and education in Greenville County, South Carolina with special attention to the assistance of the sick, helpless, needy, and to the education of the underprivileged.

    Type of Support


    The W. W. Burgiss Charities Grant aims to aid and promote the causes of religion, charities, and education in Greenville County, South Carolina with special attention to the assistance of the sick, helpless, needy, and to the education of the underprivileged. The grant encompasses the following program areas: Education, Health, Human services, Public/society benefit, and Religion.


    Organization's Location
    eiusmod exercitation
    Program Location
    id id eu
    Organization Type
    Enim officia proident reprehenderit fugiat in
    • anim magna tempor proident anim tempor voluptate officia reprehenderit exercitation laborum tempor cupidatat sunt incididunt magna fugiat elit reprehenderit eu commodo culpa magna laborum fugiat


    Mollit id duis elit nisi voluptate
    Ut aute labore
    Amet cillum


    Required Attachments
    minim dolor nulla
    ullamco sint
    Review Criteria

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