First Lieutenant Peter F. Cureton Jr. Foundation Grant

    From The First Lieutenant Peter F. Cureton Jr. Foundation

    The First Lieutenant Peter F. Cureton, Jr. Foundation, established in memory of Josephine Hester Cureton's brother who was killed in action during World War II, aims to support charitable causes in Greenville County, South Carolina. Its focus areas include animal welfare, human services, programs for veterans, and the South Carolina Children’s Theatre.

    Type of Support


    The grant program of The First Lieutenant Peter F. Cureton, Jr. Foundation broadly aims to support various charitable causes without program limitations, primarily focusing on animal welfare, human services, programs for veterans, and the South Carolina Children's Theatre in Greenville County. The types of support offered include capital needs, operating support, and programming support to a wide array of populations including children, the disabled, the indigent, and veterans.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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