The Homer A. & Mildred S. Scott Foundation works to strengthen the lives of people who in turn make our community a great place to live. It aims to ensure that communities where it has a presence are healthy and vibrant, embracing all citizens. The foundation focuses on improving Sheridan County, WY, with an emphasis on providing character-building opportunities for youth.
The Homer A. and Mildred S. Scott Foundation is a charitable entity that focuses on supporting organizations within and around the Sheridan area, primarily focusing on non-profits that offer educational and character-building opportunities for young people. The foundation seeks to serve as a catalyst for local non-profits, encouraging them to assist in their community effectively. While it has a broad grant-making scope, it places particular emphasis on youth, economic opportunity, a healthy environment, and the arts and humanities. It requires potential grantees to have a plan in place and secure matching funds, ensuring they do not overly depend on government funds.
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