Building Resilience in Indigenous Communities Initiative

From Honor the Earth

Honor the Earth’s mission focuses on supporting Indigenous communities through environmental justice, sustainable development, and cultural preservation. They fund initiatives that build resilience against climate change, promote energy sovereignty, and restore traditional knowledge and practices, aiming to ensure a sustainable future for Indigenous peoples and their cultures.

Type of Support


The Building Resilience in Indigenous Communities Initiative by Honor the Earth funds projects that aim to increase the capacity of Indigenous communities to prevent and adapt to climate change while preserving and restoring Indigenous cultures. This initiative prioritizes:

  1. Culturally-based, Indigenous solutions to climate change, specifically through re-localizing food and energy economies.
  2. Restoration of traditional knowledge as a key strategy in adapting to and mitigating climate change, ensuring a safe future for upcoming generations.

The grant supports projects that focus on:

  • Implementing renewable energy and energy efficiency/weatherization improvements to advance community dignity and energy sovereignty.
  • Creating food security utilizing Indigenous varieties and organic production, aiming to restore and maintain sustainable Indigenous food systems.

Both areas emphasize the restoration of indigenous wisdom and sustainability. The initiative seeks to fund projects that:

  • Address energy sovereignty through renewable energy and efficiency improvements.
  • Promote traditional food economies as a method to build resilience in Native communities.

Funding preferences include projects with a youth focus and those that aim to significantly impact energy expenditure and support the development of sustainable local food systems using traditional Indigenous practices.


Organization's Location
occaecat proident, voluptate sit, deserunt Lorem
Program Location
cupidatat tempor ullamco
Organization Type
Consectetur quis Lorem mollit commodo in aliqua
Ea et in tempor
  • excepteur enim nulla sit
  • velit veniam non ex tempor incididunt
  • Lorem consequat quis non


1k – 5k


Review Criteria

magna duis dolor consectetur laborum est exercitation ullamco do pariatur consectetur qui culpa nulla deserunt sunt aute ut laborum aliquip