Humanities Texas: Mini Grants

From Humanities Texas

Humanities Texas aims to advance education and strengthen Texas communities through programs that improve classroom teaching, support libraries and museums, and foster lifelong learning opportunities. It strives to cultivate knowledge and judgment essential for a representative democracy, contributing to the state's economy, culture, and civic life. Established in 1973 as an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, it's a nonprofit supported by federal and state funds, as well as private donations, ensuring responsible stewardship of resources.

Type of Support


The Humanities Texas Grants Program partners with the National Endowment for the Humanities to provide financial support to nonprofit organizations and institutions for public humanities programs. The humanities encompass history, literature, languages, ethics, and the arts, among others. The program supports projects that apply humanities perspectives to political, social, or economic issues. Mini-grants are available for costs associated with public humanities programs, like speaker fees or exhibition rentals, and are suited for projects using digital technologies to connect people or those reaching individuals without digital access. A successful application often involves the participation of a humanities scholar with relevant training or experience, and competitive projects typically include insights from a wide and diverse range of scholars.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Nonprofit organizations
State and local governmental entities
  • Required to have a DUNS number
  • Encouraged to be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM)


Projects not grounded in the humanities
Projects proposed by individuals rather than non-profit organizations
Theatrical performances, art exhibitions, or other presentations in the arts or media, unless their primary purpose is to provide a focus for humanistic inquiry
Courses for academic credit
Capital expenditures for significant institutional expenses such as land and buildings
Preservation of objects or archival materials, unless directly related to a public program
Publications and scholarly research, unless directly related to a public program
Projects that advocate a single point of view, ideology, or specific program of social action
Projects aimed primarily at audiences outside of Texas
Scholarships and fellowships
Fundraisers and profit-making projects.
up to 2k


Visit Apply for more information.