Since 1988, the Idaho Community Foundation (ICF) has worked across Idaho with the goal of connecting generous individuals with trusted, deserving organizations. ICF aims to offer a variety of fully tax-deductible options to support causes, communities, or organizations, promising a brighter future for Idahoans through investments that last forever. With local knowledge on critical issues faced by nonprofits, ICF seeks to connect them with donors and partners, providing financial support through a streamlined grant process.
The Forever Idaho Regional Grant Program aims to maximizes community impact by connecting passionate donors with local needs through flexible support, ensuring these needs can be met continuously. This program focuses on supporting organizations within ICF’s Areas of Impact, which include Arts & Culture, Community Benefit, Educational & Economic Opportunities, Environment & Animal Welfare, Health and Wellness, and Housing Stability. The goal is to fund projects that range from keeping arts and cultural activities vibrant, building social cohesion, increasing access to education, addressing environmental and animal welfare concerns, improving health and wellness, to promoting housing stability. Grants typically range between $3,000 and $8,000.
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