Forever Idaho Grant Program - Northern Region

From Idaho Community Foundation (ICF)

Since 1988, the Idaho Community Foundation (ICF) has worked across Idaho with the goal of connecting generous individuals with trusted, deserving organizations. ICF aims to offer a variety of fully tax-deductible options to support causes, communities, or organizations, promising a brighter future for Idahoans through investments that last forever. With local knowledge on critical issues faced by nonprofits, ICF seeks to connect them with donors and partners, providing financial support through a streamlined grant process.

Type of Support


The Forever Idaho Grant Program offers impact-based general operating support to organizations that are addressing critical community needs and working within one of the Idaho Community Foundation’s Areas of Impact. These areas include Family Homelessness, Physical and Mental Health, Education, and/or Access to Services. The grants are designed to be flexible, allowing recipient organizations to allocate funds towards a wide range of operational or programmatic costs such as payroll, utilities, project costs, and capital improvements. This approach aims to support the sustainability and effectiveness of nonprofits in adapting to and meeting the changing needs within their communities.


Organization's Location
Program Location
ID (Benewah County, Bonner County, Boundary County, Clearwater County, Idaho County, Kootenai County, Latah County, Lewis County, Nez Perce County, Shoshone County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status under IRS Code Section 170
Governmental entities including special taxing districts and public schools
  • Located in Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Clearwater, Idaho, Kootenai, Latah, Lewis, Nez Perce, and Shoshone counties
up to 25k


Review Criteria

The Forever Idaho initiative prioritizes support for organizations involved in its Areas of Impact, which include:

  • Family Homelessness and Basic Needs: Focused on combating housing and food insecurity.
  • Educational Opportunities: Aimed at overcoming the challenges in accessing education for communities, especially in light of gaps that may have been widened by virtual or distance learning during the COVID pandemic.
  • Access to Services: Dedicated to removing obstacles that prevent access to essential services, including but not limited to broadband access, domestic abuse support, and overcoming transportation challenges.
  • Mental and Physical Health: Committed to ensuring individuals have access to necessary services for both mental and physical well-being.
  • Community Benefit: Open to projects from organizations that deliver benefits to the community in ways not covered above, acknowledging the significance of sectors such as arts and culture, conservation, and public initiatives in enhancing the overall health of communities.

The program seeks applications that align with these focal areas, demonstrating a commitment to addressing critical needs and enhancing the quality of life within communities.

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