Since 1988, the Idaho Community Foundation (ICF) has worked across Idaho with the goal of connecting generous individuals with trusted, deserving organizations. ICF aims to offer a variety of fully tax-deductible options to support causes, communities, or organizations, promising a brighter future for Idahoans through investments that last forever. With local knowledge on critical issues faced by nonprofits, ICF seeks to connect them with donors and partners, providing financial support through a streamlined grant process.
The Forever Idaho Grant Program offers impact-based general operating support to organizations that are addressing critical community needs and working within one of the Idaho Community Foundation’s Areas of Impact. These areas include Family Homelessness, Physical and Mental Health, Education, and/or Access to Services. The grants are designed to be flexible, allowing recipient organizations to allocate funds towards a wide range of operational or programmatic costs such as payroll, utilities, project costs, and capital improvements. This approach aims to support the sustainability and effectiveness of nonprofits in adapting to and meeting the changing needs within their communities.
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