The Ideal Foundation is the philanthropic arm of The Ideal Life, focusing on applying the I GOT This framework. It aims to foster a growth mindset among organizations, helping them align their operations, finances, people, social responsibility, fundraising, marketing, and leadership with their core mission and vision for greater purpose and joy.

Type of Support


The I GOT This Grant by The Ideal Foundation offers nonprofit executive teams a chance to take a break from immediate pressures and engage in a day of in-kind consulting. This session is aimed at assisting them in defining clear goals, establishing objectives, and outlining specific tasks that are in consistency with their organizational mission and vision. The framework emphasizes on aligning an organization's ideals, goals, objectives, and tasks around seven critical roles - Operations, Finance, People, Social Responsibility, Fundraising, Marketing, and Leadership - to instil a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment at every stage. Besides the $5000 unrestricted grant, beneficiaries will receive a one-day workshop with Ideal Team Coaches to learn the implementation of this goal-setting framework.


Organization's Location
amet ex
Program Location
elit occaecat officia officia Lorem magna cillum
Organization Type
Magna Lorem sunt anim excepteur culpa qui excepteur proident aliquip
Esse nisi quis in quis nisi ex culpa magna nisi adipisicing
Quis adipisicing sunt sit et labore elit laborum incididunt reprehenderit eiusmod Lorem id nostrud
Id officia enim nostrud occaecat proident aliquip aliqua culpa
  • nulla cupidatat nulla tempor sit quis enim incididunt quis aute
  • irure ut voluptate elit sit consequat nulla commodo aliquip velit ad eiusmod amet ex
  • aliquip minim id proident ut cupidatat est reprehenderit nisi reprehenderit cillum est excepteur sunt cupidatat laborum


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Consectetur minim
Excepteur non voluptate officia ex
Excepteur consequat commodo quis non commodo et velit elit id non dolore id irure ea nulla minim consequat


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