Community Health Partnerships (CHeP) Trailblazer Award

From Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI)

The IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center, Office of Community Outreach and Engagement focuses on reducing the cancer burden in Indiana through community engagement, research, and education. They aim to facilitate and support collaborative efforts that translate into evidence-based practices and interventions in communities, particularly for underserved populations, to decrease cancer incidence and improve cancer care outcomes across the state.

Type of Support


The Indiana CTSI Community Health Partnerships (CHeP) Trailblazer Award focuses on supporting collaborative, community-engaged research projects that aim to improve health, examine social determinants of health, or enhance health equity. The grant program is interested in funding projects related to substance use/misuse, obesity prevention, maternal and infant mortality, chronic diseases, health care challenges, and disparities in rural areas. It prioritizes projects that demonstrate a clear plan for sustainability through the use of existing Indiana CTSI infrastructure or connections to statewide health initiatives. Eligible projects include those that implement exploratory research to identify or reduce health inequities, evaluate programs with the potential to impact health equity or social determinants of health, and implement and preliminarily evaluate health-related programs. Projects that aim to change policy, systems, and/or the environment to achieve health equity are especially encouraged. Funding up to $25,000 over two years is available, with specific budget requirements and limitations, including support for personnel and travel expenses, but excluding equipment purchases over $5,000.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
  • Must include both a university partner and a community partner
  • The University Project Lead must be a full-time (>80% FTE) faculty member at a college, university, or other academic institution in Indiana
  • The Community Project Lead must have ≥80% of their work assignment based in the community; communities can be geographically-based, condition-specific groups, self-characterized communities, community-based health facilities, neighborhoods, grass-roots organizations, faith-based organizations, or community organizations focused on health
  • Community partners can receive salary support from an academic institution with justification of their role in the community
  • Both partners must be employed by an Indiana-based organization
  • All applicants must join the Indiana CTSI Community Health Partnerships Network
  • The research question must be community-engaged, significant and relevant to both community and university partners, and show evidence of shared control of the research question by both partners


Individuals who have received salary support from Indiana CTSI Community Health Partnerships in the 24 months prior to the submission deadline, excluding previous Trailblazer Award support or Purdue Extension Educator cost-shared support
Postdoctoral students, fellows, residents, adjunct professors, visiting professors
Staff members
Proposals that include out-of-state travel in the budget.
up to 25k


Visit Apply for more information.