Community Health Partnerships (CHeP) Trailblazer Planning Grant

From Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI)

The IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center, Office of Community Outreach and Engagement focuses on reducing the cancer burden in Indiana through community engagement, research, and education. They aim to facilitate and support collaborative efforts that translate into evidence-based practices and interventions in communities, particularly for underserved populations, to decrease cancer incidence and improve cancer care outcomes across the state.

Type of Support


The Community Health Partnerships (CHeP) Trailblazer Planning Grant focuses on supporting the development of community-university partnerships aimed at improving health, analyzing social determinants of health (SDoH), and enhancing health equity within Indiana. Its purpose is not to fund research directly, but to fund the formation and strengthening of partnerships that can lead to collaborative research projects. This includes facilitating meetings, stakeholder interviews, and other foundational activities that pave the way for significant health-related initiatives. Specifically, the grant supports efforts to address broad health and equity issues, including but not limited to, areas like affordable housing, nutrition, community safety, education, anti-discrimination efforts, and environmental justice. Successful projects under this grant have included partnerships focusing on healthcare for incarcerated youth with autism, perinatal mental health in rural areas, and obesity prevention programs. Funding up to $5,000 for one year is available, with a clear expectation for developed partnerships to pursue further research funding opportunities.


Organization's Location
laborum ipsum
Program Location
Organization Type
Veniam velit
Exercitation id
  • exercitation aliqua incididunt amet anim consequat excepteur adipisicing nostrud duis sunt eiusmod
  • magna minim ad fugiat consectetur cupidatat reprehenderit ad est voluptate
  • deserunt nostrud sunt laboris mollit dolor adipisicing velit nulla dolore elit duis consectetur consequat cillum qui eiusmod eiusmod
  • sunt cillum ipsum veniam pariatur sint id pariatur anim ea duis voluptate consectetur do consequat quis
  • ullamco amet mollit laboris veniam aliquip aute fugiat incididunt consectetur labore quis laboris elit proident mollit ut excepteur culpa tempor ipsum et esse occaecat tempor
  • anim laboris exercitation consequat est eiusmod incididunt tempor tempor magna laborum ad id


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Officia excepteur sint est amet cillum ipsum dolore
up to 5k


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