Neuroimaging and CSF Biomarker RFP

From Institute for the Study of Aging Inc. (Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation)

The mission details of the funder are not explicitly provided in the given description.

Type of Support


The grant program aims to advance the development and validation of biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, addressing a clear clinical need. It prioritizes biomarkers that have a defined context of use, demonstrate an advantage over existing ones, and show potential for commercialization or clinical application. The focus is on: developing novel PET ligands for clinical trials, supporting innovative CSF biomarkers, validating MRI approaches in larger cohorts, and creating new measures of functional activity such as EEG. High priority areas include novel biomarkers of neuroinflammation, synaptic integrity, autophagy, and TDP-43, among others. The grant offers up to $600,000 depending on the stage and scope of research, for one year, with the possibility of additional funding, covering only direct costs.


Organization's Location
enim culpa
Program Location
Organization Type
Ut Lorem adipisicing
Dolor excepteur consequat
Veniam fugiat
  • minim nostrud sint
up to 6M


Step 1: ut laborum ullamco
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: amet quis (id dolor)
Review Criteria

est consectetur velit enim anim aliquip

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