Paul C. Silva Student Grants

    From International Phycological Society

    The mission of the International Phycological Society is focused on the development of phycology (the study of algae), the distribution of phycological information, and fostering international cooperation among phycologists and phycological organizations.

    Type of Support


    The Paul C. Silva Student Grants aim to support the academic and research pursuits of graduate students in the field of phycology. Named after Dr. Paul C. Silva, a prominent figure in algal taxonomy and an advocate for phycology, these grants provide financial assistance to promote international cooperation in phycological research. Each year, up to eight graduate students are awarded $500, which they can receive once per year to aid in their studies and research initiatives.


    Organization's Location
    mollit pariatur
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Tempor ullamco
    • reprehenderit exercitation amet aliqua ipsum sint excepteur cupidatat voluptate veniam reprehenderit est est occaecat fugiat
    • ad minim ullamco sit consectetur sunt Lorem minim dolor veniam veniam consequat pariatur deserunt magna minim occaecat cillum elit voluptate est labore
    • culpa qui magna officia non do laboris
    • aliqua tempor nostrud amet tempor dolore consequat commodo dolor ullamco reprehenderit quis culpa consectetur nisi ex officia Lorem consectetur
    • ullamco consectetur dolor dolor ad nulla anim ut ea veniam nostrud consectetur duis culpa commodo id labore reprehenderit nostrud
    • consectetur consequat cillum ea ex sint qui irure excepteur amet incididunt veniam est minim reprehenderit deserunt deserunt


    Visit Apply for more information.