Computer Science Professional Development Incentive Fund: Educator Endorsements

From Iowa Department of Education

Ensuring all students experience a world-class education.

Type of Support


The Iowa Computer Science Professional Development Incentive Fund aims to enhance the capacity of Iowa schools to offer high-quality computer science instruction. It supports accredited Iowa school districts, nonpublic school systems, and collaboratives in providing tuition reimbursement for teachers seeking endorsements or authorizations in computer science or 5-12 CTE Information Technology. This is in alignment with the state's educational objectives under Iowa Code section 272.2, subsection 20. Financial support includes a maximum allowance of $705 per credit and up to $300 for textbooks. Eligibility and application details are provided on a rolling basis, with funding allocated on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are fully expended or by the close date of May 31, 2023.


Organization's Location
voluptate labore
Program Location
Organization Type
Commodo amet commodo mollit cupidatat
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up to 1k


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