Iowa Humanities Major Grants

From Iowa Humanities

To promote understanding and appreciation of the people, communities, culture, and stories of importance to Iowa and the nation. Humanities Iowa emphasizes the participation of humanities scholars to foster dialogue, critical thinking, and analysis in public settings. It acknowledges that scholarly and learning contributions can come from both advanced academic degrees and diverse cultural traditions.

Type of Support


Humanities Iowa grants support humanities programming that engages communities, non-profit organizations, and humanities scholars in exploring crucial stories shaping Iowa and the nation. Projects should actively involve humanities scholars to encourage dialogue, critical thinking, and analysis in a public setting. These initiatives may include symposia, community storytelling events, cultural discussion series, exhibitions, post-performance/film conversations, and rural archives preservation for public access. The aim is to fund projects that make new stories heard, support rural communities, highlight distinctive elements of Iowa, and engage new groups in receiving funding for the first time.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Incorporated non-profit groups
Institutions of higher education
Units of Federal, State, and Local governments
Native American tribal governments
  • Serve the out-of-school Iowan adult public
  • A 1:1 cash or in-kind match is required
  • An organization does not need to be incorporated as a nonprofit or have 501(c)(3) status


For-profit organizations and activities
Indirect costs
Commercial enterprises
Salaries and fringe benefits
Individual or personal research (unless integral to a public program)
Writing or publication of books (unless as a result of a public program)
Curriculum design or review
Academic courses, scholarships, fellowships
International travel
Recreation and food
Capital projects
Performances in the creative and performing arts (unless providing humanities perspectives)
Political activities
Fundraising activities
Programs not open to the public
Programs primarily for children or student audiences
Projects by organizations with active Humanities Iowa grants
Pre-award expenses.
3k – 10k


Visit Apply for more information.