Jacob and Terese Hershey Foundation Grant

The Jacob and Terese Hershey Foundation aims to support the intertwined well-being of humans and nature by nurturing nature across Texas and Colorado. Through advocacy, education, and direct action, the foundation focuses on environmental justice & conservation, reproductive rights & justice, enhancement of parks & open spaces, promotion of environmental literacy, and support for animal care facilities. By valuing the contributions and voices of those most impacted by these issues, the foundation works towards a vision of a healthy and harmonious world.

Type of Support


The Jacob and Terese Hershey Foundation grant program is designed to support initiatives that contribute to the health of our environment and promote reproductive justice, focusing specifically on Texas and Colorado. The foundation is interested in projects within greater Houston, central Texas, southwestern Colorado, and those of statewide significance in Texas. Offering operating, project, and capital grants, the foundation emphasizes multi-year support for its key interests. Its grantmaking strategies reflect a belief in the linkage between human well-being and nature, focusing on areas such as environmental justice & conservation, reproductive rights & justice, parks & open space, environmental literacy, and animal care facilities. The foundation prioritizes efforts that address climate change, protect land and water resources, enhance reproductive autonomy, improve community parks and trail networks, boost environmental education, and support animal care, particularly aiming to empower communities of color and low-income populations who are disproportionately affected by environmental and reproductive health challenges.


Organization's Location
Program Location
CO (Alamosa County, Archuleta County, Conejos County, Dolores County, Hinsdale County, La Plata County, Mineral County, Montezuma County, Montrose County, Ouray County, Rio Grande County, Saguache County, San Juan County, San Miguel County), TX (Fort Bend County, Hays County, Montgomery County, Travis County, Williamson County)
Organization Type
  • Geographic focus on Texas and southwestern Colorado
  • Accepts Letters of Intent (LOIs) for work outside these regions by invitation only
  • For community parks and animal care facilities, focus is on greater Houston, central Texas, and southwestern Colorado; accepts LOIs from outside these areas by invitation only
  • Option to contact Elizabeth Love for work outside focus areas if it strongly aligns with the Foundation's goals


Organizations planning galas and fundraising events
Individuals seeking grants, scholarships, or memorials
Projects focused on endowment funds
Activities primarily religious in nature
Ongoing maintenance and operations for parks and conservancies
Initiatives outside of Texas or southwestern Colorado without an invitation
Community parks and animal care facilities not in greater Houston, central Texas, or southwestern Colorado
Species-specific animal rescue and transport efforts.
not specified


Step 1: Letter of Inquiry
Application deadline
Jan 17, 2025
Step 2: Full proposal (check website)

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