Community & Economic Prosperity Grants

The mission is not explicitly provided, but the James Graham Brown Foundation (JGBF) is focused on empowering communities in Louisville’s West End and Eastern Kentucky towards economic prosperity by elevating community voices, investing in local solutions to address poverty, inequality, and their root causes whilst conforming to a broad vision that includes addressing systemic inequities and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Type of Support


The James Graham Brown Foundation's Community & Economic Prosperity grants aim to foster community and economic development in specific Kentucky regions—Louisville’s West End and Eastern Kentucky. By recognizing the unique challenges these areas face, including poverty and inequality stemming from deep-rooted issues, the grant program seeks to rectify these through increased coordination among stakeholders, strengthening local development institutions, and enhancing community capacity. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and heightened national conversations on racial injustice, the program has adapted its priorities to address the pandemic's disproportionate effects on Black and Latinx communities and the broader impacts of systemic inequality.


Organization's Location
ea quis
Program Location
non laborum exercitation Lorem velit reprehenderit id aliqua amet ea
Organization Type


Ea sint ex nisi esse pariatur sint do
Quis nisi
Ut do ad est sunt
Nulla amet
Dolor irure
Ipsum proident et irure consequat


Step 1: aute est adipisicing
Application deadline
Dec 19, 2024
Step 2: excepteur dolor (consequat et)
Review Criteria

velit commodo cupidatat eu consequat reprehenderit irure exercitation non occaecat laboris exercitation cillum laborum adipisicing Lorem cillum esse consectetur sit voluptate consequat Lorem mollit mollit magna minim

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