JCFGP: Small Grants

From Jewish Community Foundation Of Greater Phoenix

The mission of the Jewish Community Foundation is aimed at supporting and enriching the local Jewish community through a variety of funding initiatives. Their commitment is towards enhancing the capacity, reach, and overall impact of projects and programs that specifically benefit Jewish life and its various facets. This includes funding for time-sensitive needs, new programs, significant events, and capacity-building efforts.

Type of Support


The Jewish Community Foundation offers a Small Grants process specifically designed for local organizations seeking funds of $5,000 or less. This process is highlighted by its streamlined and rolling review, aimed at expediting the funding for eligible projects. The grants support four main areas: addressing urgent needs or opportunities with time constraints, launching new programs, organizing events that significantly serve members of the Jewish community, and initiatives aimed at capacity building. This focused approach ensures that the funding is directed towards projects with the potential for high impact within the Jewish community.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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up to 5k


Visit Apply for more information.