The John Edward Fowler Memorial Foundation was formed in memory of John Edward Fowler to provide financial support to organizations within the Washington DC metropolitan area. While specific details about its mission beyond this context are not provided, the foundation's actions reflect a commitment to empowering underserved and at-risk communities through various forms of direct service and needs-based giving.
The John Edward Fowler Memorial Foundation awards approximately $3 million annually, focusing on the Washington DC metropolitan area. First-time grants typically are under $10,000, with larger amounts awarded for ongoing relationships or capital projects, primarily to prior grantees. The Foundation favors smaller, grassroots, neighborhood-based organizations that are majorly privately funded, provide hands-on direct services, and demonstrate sound management, fiscal responsibility, and volunteer engagement. Fowler prioritizes organizations that address actual needs through creative and innovative solutions or traditional need-based methods. Their giving historically targets empowering underserved and at-risk populations, with focus areas including adult literacy, at-risk children, childhood education, homelessness, hunger, job training & placement, and medical and legal services.
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