Julius Sumner Miller Foundation Grant

    The Julius Sumner Miller Foundation aims to benefit society by backing programs that enhance science education, especially in physics, and support health care improvements for the elderly, thus uplifting their quality of life. Their focus is on serving the South Bay region of southern California through strategic project grants.

    Type of Support


    The grant program seeks to support projects that address a clear need in education or health care. It prioritizes programs that not only deliver valuable services but also incorporate a method to assess the positive outcomes of these services. The Foundation usually awards a single annual grant to applicants or programs, but it may consider multi-year funding depending on the project's objectives and achieved results. Grant amounts are tailored based on the project type and the recipient's requirements.


    Organization's Location
    deserunt commodo
    Program Location
    id id laborum cillum ullamco dolore eu proident do mollit
    Organization Type
    Do duis dolore ullamco ut dolor
    Ea minim laborum eiusmod est aute cupidatat duis
    • eiusmod commodo in duis esse deserunt sunt ex in ex irure quis commodo id mollit fugiat est


    Reprehenderit commodo
    Pariatur fugiat cupidatat ullamco sint dolor mollit veniam ex pariatur reprehenderit eiusmod occaecat nostrud commodo
    Proident enim adipisicing aliqua commodo dolore duis tempor dolor
    Minim quis veniam anim nulla qui
    Mollit ipsum
    Esse sint sint cillum est
    2.5K – 10K


    Required Attachments
    ex eiusmod
    dolor voluptate Lorem
    in duis
    do irure
    esse adipisicing
    duis duis
    Contact info
    Jane Doe
    (555) 555-5555
    reprehenderit esse irure pariatur enim ad reprehenderit minim dolore ad Lorem sint cupidatat voluptate

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