The Kantzler Foundation aims to provide financial support to charitable projects and programs that directly benefit the residents of Bay County, Michigan. Its focus areas include education, science, arts, culture, human services, conservation, beautification, and recreation. The Foundation prioritizes the development or acquisition of tangible community assets, facilities, and attractions that benefit large population segments and align with a master plan for a safe, healthy, and vibrant community. It encourages collaboration among organizations.
The Kantzler Foundation Grant program supports a variety of initiatives in the Greater Bay Area of Michigan, reflecting a broad commitment to enhancing the region's quality of life. Since 1975, the Foundation has allocated over $9 million in grants to various programs and projects, touching nearly every area resident with its investments. The grant review process includes a preliminary qualification step, requiring organizations to register their intent to submit a request. The Board reviews applications quarterly, considering requests for equipment, programming, scholarships, specific operating expenses, and more. Primarily, the Foundation focuses on projects that offer lasting benefits to the community, such as tangible assets and facilities that contribute to the area's development into a vibrant, safe, and healthy community.
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