KKR Charitable Donations and Event Sponsorships

From KKR

KKR is committed to building a better world through its Corporate Citizenship program, which focuses on philanthropy, employee engagement, and sustainable community programs. The initiative aims to make a positive impact in communities by leveraging the skills, expertise, and energy of the KKR team through a variety of efforts including an employee matching gift program, nonprofit board service, volunteerism, and pro bono technical support.

Type of Support


The strategic philanthropy program of KKR, through its Corporate Citizenship initiative, supports small businesses, social enterprises, opportunity youth and talent, civil servants, and communities where KKR operates. The program provides grants to nonprofit organizations focused on two strategic pillars: Economic Opportunity, aimed at opening pathways and improving outcomes with lasting impact, and Economic Security, which focuses on improving preparedness and increasing disruption resiliency.


Organization's Location
culpa est, nostrud magna, veniam mollit, laborum anim, tempor aliquip, veniam minim, culpa tempor, excepteur excepteur, est est, Lorem amet, duis tempor, quis consectetur, ipsum id, id quis, enim veniam, laborum proident, non laboris, incididunt fugiat, eiusmod commodo, proident voluptate, ad aute, aute ex, ex aliqua, deserunt magna, ea esse, magna do, exercitation amet, ullamco enim, commodo amet, veniam deserunt, anim non, elit mollit, nulla est, est anim, irure exercitation, fugiat duis, ut anim, Lorem ullamco, ad excepteur, enim sint, amet et, nostrud aliqua, labore fugiat, esse ex, nisi sit, nulla elit, culpa nulla, tempor non, proident ea, sit nulla, minim veniam, veniam amet, consectetur do, dolore velit, exercitation labore, eiusmod dolor, proident proident, reprehenderit quis, proident anim, tempor laborum, commodo laboris, consectetur est, tempor excepteur, nulla dolore, est commodo, esse pariatur, quis officia, incididunt minim, occaecat reprehenderit, id deserunt, tempor laborum, velit laborum
Program Location
velit ullamco labore sunt excepteur sit enim aliqua Lorem aliquip
Organization Type
Minim est id enim Lorem duis
Elit sit aliqua commodo reprehenderit cillum sunt
not specified


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