Lacawac Sanctuary was founded by L. Arthur Watres and his mother Isabel Reyburn Watres, both dedicated conservationists. They envisioned the Sanctuary as a "living laboratory" aimed at fostering scientific research and educating the next generation of scientists. Their commitment was to conservation and the promotion of understanding natural resources.
The Robert Estabrook Moeller Memorial Fund Research Fellow Award is designed to support college and university students and faculty who wish to conduct limnological research on Lake Lacawac and other Pocono region lakes. This grant, in memory of Dr. Robert E. Moeller, aims to assist promising young scholars in the field of limnology—the study of lakes and their ecosystems. It reflects Dr. Moeller's legacy of generosity, particularly in his support of students and colleagues in their research endeavors, by providing financial awards to continue the exploration and understanding of limnological sciences.
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