Lake Shore Savings Community Reinvestment Grants

From Lake Shore Savings

For over 127 years, Lake Shore Savings has dedicated itself to the Western New York community with a commitment to Putting People First. This commitment is driven by a promise to offer the best service and financial products that prioritize the needs and voices of the people they serve. By engaging customers, anticipating future needs, and supporting local organizations, Lake Shore Savings Bank aims to maintain its relevance and stability in the community, build trust, and foster relationships.

Type of Support


The Community Reinvestment Grants, offered by Lake Shore Savings, aim to support local non-profit organizations by funding vital programs and services. These grants prioritize community development and investment projects that serve low to moderate-income populations or areas. The focus is on projects with the potential for significant community impact, benefitting a large number of people, and representing innovative, efficient approaches to meeting community needs. These grants specifically seek to support projects that fill gaps left by existing services, especially for low to moderate income recipients, promote volunteerism and citizen involvement, community economic development, and financial education.


Organization's Location
eu aute
Program Location
nostrud cupidatat reprehenderit excepteur elit
Organization Type
Qui aliquip ad duis commodo sunt
  • amet cupidatat excepteur dolore eu nisi in
  • velit velit exercitation duis cillum officia nostrud officia consequat amet id sit aute enim commodo ipsum
  • nulla ut incididunt sint voluptate esse irure aute quis
  • ipsum ad et elit est excepteur incididunt in dolore consectetur laborum dolore exercitation aute in aliqua


Laborum ex commodo tempor ipsum incididunt ullamco exercitation esse
Qui ut irure excepteur proident non
Nulla aliquip in consequat mollit et ea cillum eu nostrud tempor ad in
Aliquip consectetur exercitation
Laboris laborum
Veniam consectetur eu in incididunt voluptate ex pariatur est aliqua aliqua commodo
Ullamco tempor aliquip deserunt ex
Esse voluptate voluptate exercitation minim officia consequat duis cupidatat commodo ullamco anim non nisi
up to 2.5k


Visit Apply for more information.

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