Sponsorships & Charitable Support

    From Price Chopper’s Golub Foundation

    For over 90 years, Price Chopper/Market 32, guided by the Golub family, has been dedicated to supporting its customers and communities by offering quality food, selection, and low prices. Their commitment extends beyond commerce to actively supporting various national, regional, and grassroots causes aimed at enhancing community life. The Golub Corporation, along with Price Chopper’s Golub Foundation, focuses on health and human services, arts, culture, education, and youth activities, celebrating diversity and community strength.

    Type of Support


    The grant program by The Golub Corporation, which includes Price Chopper, Market 32, and Price Chopper’s Golub Foundation, aims to assist well-managed, non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations that strive to improve the quality of life in communities within their market areas. The program focuses on contributions to health and human services, arts, culture, education, and youth activities. It provides support through donations, including funds, in-kind resources, and promotional assistance to a wide range of causes from national charities like Feeding America and Disabled American Veterans to local events and programs that promote cultural exchange and community engagement. Local Price Chopper and Market 32 stores further support these efforts by offering free ticket printing and supplies such as cups and napkins for fundraisers.


    Organization's Location
    cupidatat duis
    Program Location
    ipsum enim nostrud nisi elit exercitation in veniam irure deserunt
    Organization Type
    Labore proident qui non proident magna
    • laboris labore aute eiusmod enim est laborum aliqua aliquip magna non
    • irure sint minim ipsum ipsum dolore sint est ex in


    Excepteur incididunt enim elit
    Consequat ex nulla ullamco velit eiusmod fugiat reprehenderit exercitation adipisicing
    not specified


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