Learning Bridge Scholarship

The Learning Bridge Foundation aims to provide grants, scholarships, and education and job training focused on assisting men and women entangled in poverty and discrimination related to race, background, and prior incarceration. They are dedicated to offering second chances and fostering a better life for determined individuals.

Type of Support


The Learning Bridge Foundation's grant program is structured around supporting public charities and offering scholarships primarily in Oklahoma, particularly targeting those who have faced poverty or incarceration. Their activities span searching for and evaluating candidates, developing personalized assistance plans, implementing these plans, and ensuring compliance. The foundation typically offers scholarships ranging from $2,500 to $6,000 to cover vocational education costs, with the potential for larger scholarships for bachelor's degrees in unique cases. This initiative reflects their commitment to breaking the cycle of crime and poverty by equipping individuals with the skills needed for sustainable careers.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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Officia cillum mollit enim aliqua amet laborum in
2.5k – 20k


Visit Apply for more information.

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