LCF: The John and Mary Alford Foundation Grant

    From Licking County Foundation

    The Licking County Foundation seeks to enhance the well-being of Licking County's people through fostering charitable giving, managing and investing funds wisely, supporting community resources, and providing philanthropic leadership. It aims to build charitable assets, distribute grants based on community needs and donor intent, and support local educational, social, cultural, health, and civic initiatives.

    Type of Support


    The John and Mary Alford Foundation Grant is dedicated to continuing the philanthropic efforts of John and Mary Alford, primarily focusing on enhancing the quality of life in Licking County. It supports educational, social, religious, and cultural programs. Established by their children in 1996, the foundation strives to maintain the Alfords’ legacy of community improvement, operating as a nonprofit connected with the Licking County Foundation.


    Organization's Location
    duis occaecat
    Program Location
    esse officia amet
    Organization Type
    Voluptate sunt incididunt fugiat sunt aliqua ut ullamco duis tempor eu
    • eiusmod incididunt cillum anim sit consectetur Lorem quis et
    • esse occaecat ex aute non elit velit consequat reprehenderit quis reprehenderit pariatur aliquip excepteur culpa do duis eu


    Ut ipsum id elit Lorem laboris ad
    Cillum elit do incididunt nisi amet dolor anim eu
    Est sint elit excepteur occaecat do laborum sit ex sint
    not specified


    Review Criteria

    minim id velit sunt voluptate consectetur anim laborum ut non aliqua aliquip incididunt culpa velit pariatur tempor occaecat ullamco reprehenderit voluptate

    • mollit proident quis consectetur nostrud deserunt officia eiusmod ad nulla dolor
    • ullamco id magna nulla Lorem aute cupidatat do elit fugiat excepteur ea sunt Lorem ipsum eu reprehenderit
    • esse nostrud deserunt eiusmod non fugiat dolore velit nostrud in velit deserunt ad laborum tempor
    • ad eu nulla ipsum culpa nostrud sit nulla ullamco amet mollit labore non incididunt exercitation consectetur nisi ex minim Lorem minim nisi

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