Wean Foundation: Resident Engagement Grants

The Wean Foundation envisions a healthy community where engagement of residents, excellence in civic organizations, and strong networks forming alliances around shared interests are prevalent. It emphasizes that resident engagement is critical for authentic, lasting change to occur. The Foundation prioritizes funding for the development and implementation of solutions led by organizations whose leadership reflects the racial demographics of the communities they serve.

Type of Support


The grant program is centered around supporting strategic priorities such as Community Revitalization, Economic Opportunity, Educational Opportunity, and Public and Civic Sector Leadership. It upholds values of racial equity, inclusion, and alignment with the foundation's mission. Specifically, it focuses on projects that center race equity and inclusion, expand participation and leadership of residents, and leverage resources effectively. The Resident Engagement Grant offers funding ranging from $500 to $5,000 for projects led by Black and Hispanic/Latinx-led organizations that aim to enhance strategy, leadership, and impact of resident-led efforts.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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  • duis laborum ullamco nostrud
500 – 5k


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