Saint Luke's Foundation Board Grants (Applications over $25,000)

From Saint Luke's Foundation Of Cleveland, Ohio

Achieve health equity by addressing social determinants of health for people in neighborhoods surrounding Saint Luke’s and throughout Cuyahoga County, with a vision of people thriving free of racism and poverty, experiencing equitable economic opportunities, and conditions that enable healthier lives.

Type of Support


The grant program supports long-term initiatives aimed at community betterment and health disparities bridging in the Saint Luke’s neighborhoods and Cuyahoga County. It includes program or project grants, general operating support, capital investment grants, and policy & advocacy support, focusing on initiatives that serve the Woodhill, Buckeye-Shaker, and Mount Pleasant communities. The foundation emphasizes programs that contribute to health equity, engage with the impacted population in Cuyahoga County, and align with strategic goals, including community-based participatory research in policy work.


Organization's Location
Program Location
OH (Cuyahoga County)
Organization Type
Organizations designated as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
Governmental units or agencies
  • Supporting target neighborhoods throughout Cuyahoga County


Religious organizations for religious or evangelical purposes
Projects outside Cuyahoga County that do not directly benefit Cuyahoga County residents
Fundraising events
Endowment funds
Biomedical research
Debt retirement or reduction
Funding short-falls
Private Foundations or public charities with 509(a)(3), Type III, Non Functionally Integrated designation from the IRS
Organizations that discriminate based on age, race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or religious belief


Visit Apply for more information.

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