Community Responsive Grants

From Stark Community Foundation

The Stark Community Foundation aims to connect individuals to the charitable causes they care about, managing their charitable gifts to meet individual giving goals. Through responsive initiatives to local needs, they aim to strengthen Stark County and enhance the quality of life for its residents.

Type of Support


The Community Responsive Grants program facilitated by Stark Community Foundation seeks to support local organizations in implementing community-based programs and services aimed at enhancing community wellbeing. The program awards grants for a broad spectrum of causes such as arts, education, environment, health, human services, and neighborhood initiatives. These grants are financed from the Foundation's Community Charitable Fund and are part of a larger effort that includes scholarships and direct organizational funding. Stark Community Foundation awards over 60 grants annually, focusing on projects that contribute to economic development, educational opportunities, and the revitalization of neighborhoods. Their grantmaking approach is designed to address the root causes of social issues, support the creation of jobs, and foster the conditions necessary for vibrant and prosperous communities.


Organization's Location
Program Location
OH (Stark County)
Organization Type
Tax-exempt private agencies
501(c)(3) organizations recognized as public charities
Government entities
  • Located within Stark County or directly benefiting Stark County
  • Grassroots community non-profit organizations without a 501(c)(3) are eligible under specific conditions
  • Grant request does not exceed $3,000
  • Using a fiscal agent approved by the Foundation
  • Organizations may only submit one application
  • If awarded, no additional grants until the grant period is closed
  • If declined, must wait one year before reapplying for the same project


Organizations awarded for more than three consecutive years
Individuals (except for scholarship funds)
Organizations seeking funds for annual appeals and membership contributions
Conferences and recognition events
Deficit financing for programs or capital expenditures
Endowment funds
Incentives for program participants
Multiple station computerization projects from individual school systems and other educational institutions
Operating expenses of established organizations
Religious organizations for religious purposes
Stipends for program participants
Vehicle purchases
2.5k – 50k


Visit Apply for more information.