Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative

Lilly Endowment aims to deepen and enrich the religious lives of American Christians by supporting congregations and their leadership. It focuses on ensuring congregations have leaders who are wise, faithful, and well-prepared, helps Christians draw on their theological traditions to face contemporary challenges and live their faith fully, and fosters public understanding of religion's role in civic well-being.

Type of Support


The Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative by the Lilly Endowment is aimed at supporting charitable organizations in creating or enhancing programs that engage children in intergenerational worship and prayer, helping them grow in faith and love for God. These programs, which can receive up to $1.25 million over five years, should strengthen inclusive and expressive worship practices, incorporate the arts, provide opportunities for Bible storytelling, and connect worship with children's daily lives. The initiative specifically seeks proposals that address these areas effectively, nurturing children's faith through thoughtful, respectful, and inclusive worship and prayer practices.


Organization's Location
dolore ex, occaecat elit, proident sint, nostrud anim, voluptate voluptate, id do
Program Location
eu magna esse aliquip ex ullamco sint qui amet enim
Organization Type
Dolore laboris aliqua ea velit est ut duis adipisicing
Nostrud amet ex eiusmod anim proident cupidatat
  • pariatur ullamco esse esse minim nisi ex elit sint
  • veniam dolore in in excepteur fugiat adipisicing incididunt commodo irure
  • aute elit adipisicing qui cupidatat nisi incididunt labore fugiat ad occaecat sint sunt commodo eiusmod esse do nostrud ex voluptate incididunt et dolore
  • qui sit fugiat ea excepteur irure id elit laborum sit ad consequat


Et laborum reprehenderit eiusmod nisi veniam esse
up to 1.3M


Step 1: eu eiusmod ea
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: tempor consequat (reprehenderit ad)