LCF: Open Door Grants

    From Lincoln Foundation Donor Directed

    Lincoln Community Foundation aims to support Lancaster County's nonprofit partners, recognizing their crucial role in fostering an economically and socially prosperous and thriving community.

    Type of Support


    Open Door Grants provide flexible operating and program grants to address compelling needs and opportunities within Lancaster County, ensuring support across various areas such as arts and culture, community improvement, education and youth, environment and animals, and health and human services. The grant program evaluates applicants based on their contribution to community impact, equity and inclusion efforts, organization size and financial stability, and reputation for impact and ethical standards. Grants can be applied towards operations, programs, or capital projects, with applications reviewed monthly, allowing for a continuous opportunity to receive funding.


    Organization's Location
    qui velit
    Program Location
    enim ipsum culpa enim excepteur
    Organization Type
    Sint aliqua cillum qui incididunt
    Voluptate pariatur velit fugiat occaecat occaecat esse qui velit eiusmod culpa


    Cillum non cupidatat laborum
    Nulla sunt laboris culpa
    up to 20K


    Contact info
    (555) 555-5555

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