Luck Companies Foundation Grants

The mission of Luck Companies, through its establishment of the InnerWill Leadership Institute, is to develop better people, braver leaders, and a wiser world. This is achieved by using Values Based Leadership to educate, coach, and support individuals in transforming both their lives and those of others. Additionally, the Luck Companies Foundation seeks to create long-term positive outcomes in local communities, focusing on Values Based Leadership and Environmental Stewardship, and supports these causes through matching associate donations, grants, and charitable contributions to purpose-driven organizations.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on supporting purpose-driven organizations that align with its two core areas: Values Based Leadership and Environmental Stewardship. The initiative aims to foster community development by engaging with local leadership and institutions to create collaborative realities and investing in infrastructure projects for sustainable community benefits. The program also emphasizes matching donations made by associates to further amplify the impact on the supported causes, demonstrating a commitment to fostering positive, long-lasting changes within communities.


Organization's Location
excepteur ex
Program Location
dolore laboris ea ea nulla eu nulla aliqua id occaecat
Organization Type
not specified


Review Criteria

sint laborum in veniam dolor aute pariatur deserunt mollit et consectetur qui culpa aliquip sunt proident consectetur sunt do tempor ea aute cupidatat adipisicing laborum quis proident dolore excepteur ex eiusmod non ea consequat aliqua officia esse commodo cupidatat do reprehenderit minim anim est eu adipisicing

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