Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis Grants

    From Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis

    To the honor of Christ Jesus, Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis seeks the improved care of people in the greater St. Louis metropolitan region by engaging the Church in and measurably improving the lives of hurting people, providing financial and non-financial support to strengthen the capacities of organizations and to support quality, impactful programs.

    Type of Support


    Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis Grants are designed with strategic priorities to incorporate the Church into the lives of hurting people and include people in the healing life of the Church. The Foundation focuses its philanthropy in six areas: Christian Faith in Action, Congregation Community Engagement, Lutheran Schools and Organizations, Foreign-Born Populations, Justice-Involved Individuals and Their Families, and Older Adults Maintaining Independence. These focus areas are chosen to address measurable community needs and enhance the Foundation's understanding and impact within the community. Successful grant applicants should demonstrate how their proposals address one or more of these strategic priorities and how they will have a measurable impact on the target populations.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    Required Attachments
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    Review Criteria

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