MAC: Arts and Humanities Grant

From Maine Arts Commission

The Maine Arts Commission's mission is to support artists, arts organizations, educators, policy makers, and community developers in advancing the arts in Maine. For over 50 years, the Commission has encouraged public interest and participation in the state's cultural heritage and programs, worked to expand Maine's cultural resources, and has promoted freedom of artistic expression to enhance the well-being of the arts across the state, aiming to meet the needs and aspirations of individuals in all regions.

Type of Support


The Arts and Humanities Grant is aimed at supporting organizations in Maine that are dedicated to showcasing the stories and cultural expressions of the state, its communities, and its citizens. This grant emphasizes the importance of projects that encompass both arts and humanities disciplines, regardless of the project's scale. It is co-administered by The Maine Arts Commission and the Maine Humanities Council, highlighting a collaborative effort to nurture and promote the rich cultural landscape of Maine.


Organization's Location
Lorem commodo
Program Location
Organization Type
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up to 1k


Visit Apply for more information.