Maine Cancer Foundation: Tobacco Prevention and Treatment

From Maine Cancer Foundation

The mission of the Maine Cancer Foundation and John T. Gorman Foundation focuses on improving access to healthcare for Maine cancer patients by addressing and mitigating barriers to cancer care and treatment. This involves supporting efforts that facilitate transportation to healthcare facilities and lodging near these facilities for patients undergoing cancer treatment, aiming to reduce preventable disparities in health status and disease outcomes among this vulnerable population.

Type of Support


The grant program seeks proposals that aim to reduce the use of commercial tobacco in Maine. Specific areas of focus include tobacco prevention for youth and/or adults, tobacco treatment for adults, advocacy or policy projects related to tobacco use, and projects supporting populations disproportionately impacted by tobacco. Proposals must include clear, measurable goals and utilize best practices in reducing tobacco use. The grant also addresses the concern over e-cigarettes and vaping, especially among youth, acknowledging the need for further research on its long-term health impacts and the known risks associated with nicotine and the potential to transition to combustible cigarettes.


Organization's Location
tempor laborum
Program Location
Organization Type
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up to 50k


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