The Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund - Local Grants Program

From New Hampshire Charitable Foundation

The mission of the funder, while not explicitly detailed, centers around the restoration, protection, and enhancement of the Connecticut River watershed upstream of the confluence of the White River and Connecticut River. This involves caring for the river, wetlands, and shore lands within this specified area, which is influenced by the broader goal of environmental preservation and restoration, particularly in relation to the impacts of hydroelectric dams.

Type of Support


The Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund grant program supports projects in Coös County, NH, and neighboring U.S. and Canadian communities focusing on community revitalization. It aims to:

  • Support individuals and families in meeting essential needs and achieving well-being,
  • Strengthen local employers, build and retain a dynamic workforce, stimulate innovation, and ensure business continuity,
  • Address climate change impacts through mitigation and adaptation strategies, stewardship of natural resources, and fostering human connection to the environment,
  • Build stronger, more resilient communities through initiatives that promote trust, belonging, connection, and support for community builders and change agents.

The program supports initiatives in multiple key areas including individual well-being, community resiliency, environmental stewardship, and resilient communities. Grant applications may request up to $20,000 for projects spanning one to three years.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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  • anim excepteur eiusmod enim fugiat ipsum ea laboris incididunt Lorem laboris excepteur exercitation enim tempor amet consequat officia labore culpa in
up to 20k


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