The Maine Community Foundation works to improve the quality of life for all Maine people. It aims to serve all of Maine, demonstrate respect for people and places, achieve quality and integrity in all actions, and remain nonpartisan. It is a statewide nonprofit organization that helps people invest charitable resources in the future of Maine, ensuring their giving benefits communities statewide.
The Frances Hollis Brain Foundation Fund aims to support nonprofit organizations and projects that serve disadvantaged, underserved, and/or vulnerable communities across specified areas in Maine. The grant focuses on several key issue areas: education (specifically, early childhood care and education for ages 0-8, and extended day learning such as after-school and summer programs), healthcare (including community clinics and safety net providers, oral health initiatives), hunger prevention and food security, homelessness alleviation, and legal services related to these matters. This initiative reflects a commitment to addressing fundamental social issues and improving the quality of life within these communities.
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