Project Canopy is focused on educating and involving people with the benefits and importance of trees, connecting individuals with expertise to those in need, facilitating collaboration among local governments, and sharing success stories. Its mission includes deploying technical experts to offer hands-on assistance, aiming to enhance community forestry programs through comprehensive, creative strategies that foster a widespread appreciation and commitment to tree management and care.
The Project Canopy Planning and Education Grants aim to support the development and maintenance of managed, long-term community forestry programs. Priority is given to proposals that enhance urban and community forestry through various elements such as conducting street tree inventories, developing long-term strategic management plans, establishing tree boards or commissions, creating or revising public tree ordinances, and formulating forest management and invasive forest pest response plans. Specifically, projects that address the resiliency of community trees and forests to pests like the emerald ash borer within designated zones are favored. Applicants are encouraged to engage with Project Canopy staff to refine their project ideas, ensuring alignment with the grant’s goals to bolster community engagement, strategic planning, and sustainable forestry management practices.
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