ME Project Canopy Assistance Grants- Planting & Maintenance

From Maine Forest Service

Project Canopy is focused on educating and involving people with the benefits and importance of trees, connecting individuals with expertise to those in need, facilitating collaboration among local governments, and sharing success stories. Its mission includes deploying technical experts to offer hands-on assistance, aiming to enhance community forestry programs through comprehensive, creative strategies that foster a widespread appreciation and commitment to tree management and care.

Type of Support


The Project Canopy Planning and Education Grants aim to support community initiatives focused on the development and maintenance of sustainable community forestry programs. Primarily, the grants encourage projects related to planting and caring for trees as crucial elements of community forestry management. This includes efforts to enhance tree coverage and health, engage volunteers, and bolster support for community forestry initiatives. Eligible projects range from those aimed at improving community health and quality of life through strategic tree planting, enhancing business districts with greenery, to establishing community tree nurseries and implementing low-impact development strategies. These efforts are designed to offer multifaceted benefits, including environmental, economic, and aesthetic improvements to communities.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Local municipal units of government
Educational institutions
Non-profit entities
  • Must match federal funds dollar for dollar in cash, services, or in-kind contributions
  • Only costs associated with fees from private contractors/consultants, essential supplies and materials, purchase and planting of trees for research/demonstration, and site preparation and soil amendments are eligible for reimbursement
  • Cash or in-kind donations and services, salaries, fringe, and overhead costs, volunteer labor, machinery, and equipment costs are not reimbursable but count towards the match requirement
  • Three-year maintenance with a 90% survival rate required for plantings
  • Maintenance costs only eligible for reimbursement or match during the grant period


Projects currently funded by other means
Purchase of machinery or equipment
Construction projects (e.g., sidewalks, roads)
Land or land charges acquisitions
Purchase of invasive plant materials as classified by the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry (e.g., Norway maples, callery pear)
Purchase and planting of ash species (due to Emerald Ash Borer concerns)
Routine, community-wide maintenance of utility lines (telephone, electric, cable) unless specifically required for the project.
up to 15k


Step 1: Pre-proposal
Application deadline
Feb 28, 2025
Step 2: Full proposal (check website)
Review Criteria

Priority will be awarded to applicants who have not been recipients of funding from this program in the recent past.