Immigrant-Led Organizations (ILO) Fund

From Maine Initiatives

The mission of the funder is to advance the flourishing of immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers in Maine, unceded Wabanaki Territory, by supporting immigrant-led organizations. They are committed to organizing people and resources to tackle issues like xenophobia, racialized discrimination, and insufficient governmental support, with a commitment to racial justice and the belief that immigrants enrich communities and should be included, valued, and celebrated in all life aspects.

Type of Support


The Immigrant-Led Organizations (ILO) Fund aims to support the work of immigrant-led organizations throughout Maine, focusing on advancing the well-being of immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. The program encourages applications from all immigrant, refugee, and migrant-led groups, providing unrestricted, general operating grants of $45,000 over three years. It prioritizes intersectionality, geographic diversity, and a wide range of thematic areas such as advocacy, education, food security, healthcare, housing, and workforce development. Additionally, the Fund supports both established "Hub Organizations" with broader reach and newer "Emerging Organizations" focused on specific communities or services.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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Visit Apply for more information.