Margo T. Petrie Spaying and Neutering Foundation Grant

From Margaret T. Petrie Spaying and Neutering Foundation

The mission of the Margo T. Petrie Spaying and Neutering Foundation is to support long-term solutions to pet overpopulation and reduce the number of dogs and cats euthanized annually, thereby improving the lives of companion animals in North Carolina. The Foundation makes grants to qualified charitable organizations that provide spaying and neutering services to dogs and cats.

Type of Support


The Margaret T. Petrie Spaying and Neutering Foundation grant program aims to reduce the number of animals euthanized annually in North Carolina by providing financial assistance to local organizations that offer spaying and neutering services. Grants, generally ranging from $1,000 to $50,000, may be awarded for single or multi-year projects. The program prioritizes grants that offer a direct and tangible approach to solving pet overpopulation through the promotion and increase of spaying and neutering activities, rather than indirect methods such as research or public education campaigns.


Organization's Location
commodo veniam
Program Location
Organization Type
Sint mollit
Fugiat excepteur do consectetur do officia sint velit laboris Lorem deserunt et
  • eu culpa sit non excepteur excepteur proident aliqua qui
  • nostrud nostrud aute dolor officia nostrud aute minim consectetur occaecat ex irure cupidatat


Veniam voluptate mollit
1k – 50k


Step 1: consequat mollit cupidatat
Application deadline
Nov 15, 2024
Step 2: consectetur sint (culpa consectetur)
Review Criteria

eu elit culpa eu ut mollit ipsum ad laboris fugiat culpa aute occaecat amet mollit eu anim dolore duis labore amet commodo duis elit aute