Margaret C. Woodson Foundation Grant Program

From Foundation for the Carolinas

Foundation For The Carolinas inspires philanthropy and empowers individuals to create a better community.

Type of Support


The Margaret C. Woodson Foundation is interested in supporting a variety of program areas that contribute to public welfare and address social issues. Their grant program focuses on:

  • Programs that tackle social problems and foster positive social relationships.
  • Efforts to enrich lives via cultural arts exposure.
  • Initiatives that enhance opportunities for youth at risk and families in crisis, including educational programs and activities for youth.
  • Projects addressing health-related issues.
  • Programs and facilities designed to assist the handicapped.
  • Support for Humane Societies. This overview indicates a broad interest in programs that have a significant impact on community welfare and improvement.


Organization's Location
Program Location
NC (Davie County, Rowan County)
Organization Type
501(c)(3) nonprofits
Governmental institutions
Educational institutions
  • Grants are limited to programs and projects that will benefit the people of Rowan and Davie Counties
  • Projects must be located within Davie and/or Rowan County


Capital campaign requests
Debt retirement/deficit funding
Direct support of individuals (e.g., scholarships, hardship)
Duplication of existing programs or services by new organizations
Endowment funds
Travel and conferences
Publication of books
Projects that are typically the funding responsibility of federal, state, or local government
Sponsorships or fundraisers
Projects that promote specific political or religious views
Political or lobbying activities
not specified


Review Criteria

Grants will be favorably considered for programs and projects aimed at fostering positive transformation, pursuing excellence, and incorporating a substantial element of community service.