Robeson County Unrestricted Endowment Grant

From North Carolina Community Foundation Inc

The Robeson County Community Foundation (RCCF) aims to build community assets through the creation of permanent endowments, grants, and leadership in Robeson County. Founded in 2005 and guided by a local volunteer advisory board, RCCF facilitates local philanthropy by making it accessible for individuals of any means to support local causes, either by opening an endowment for their favorite cause or contributing to an existing fund.

Type of Support


The Robeson County Community Fund, advised by the RCCF board, operates an annual competitive grants program specifically designed to address and support local needs in Robeson County. By leveraging the local knowledge of its advisory board members, who live and work in Robeson County, the program efficiently allocates resources to meet community needs and capitalize on opportunities. Grants typically range between $500 to $1,000, and collaborative efforts between applicants are strongly encouraged to maximize the impact of the funding provided.


Organization's Location
magna incididunt
Program Location
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Organization Type
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Occaecat duis ut magna qui mollit et
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Nulla sunt consectetur Lorem cupidatat duis sit eu deserunt
Nisi anim velit ipsum consectetur
500 – 1.5k


Visit Apply for more information.

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