The Maryland Sea Grant program is dedicated to advancing translational watershed, coastal, and marine science to educate and inform the wider community in the Chesapeake Bay region and Maryland's coastal areas. Their mission is centered on supporting research, outreach, and education efforts that are informed by their strategic plan, focusing on conservation and restoration efforts within these ecosystems.
The Maryland Sea Grant's Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program is designed to support undergraduates each summer to conduct marine research on the Chesapeake Bay. This 12-week program offers a unique chance for participants to develop their research skills and explore their interests in marine science by undertaking individual research projects under the guidance of top scientists. The broad goals of the grant program encompass an array of research areas such as the benthic environment, climate change, environmental chemistry, estuarine processes, fisheries, modeling and analysis, molecular biology and genetics, and physical oceanography, aiming to enhance the understanding and preservation of one of America's most significant coastal resources.
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