The Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC) is dedicated to advancing the arts across the state. Its mission focuses on championing creative expression, diverse programming, equitable access, lifelong learning, and enhancing the quality of life through the arts for all Marylanders. MSAC aims to increase participation, provide intentional support, build capacity, leverage connections, and bolster the arts in Maryland, showcasing the work of artists and arts organizations to enrich community vitality.
Type of Support
The Creativity Grant Program aims to enhance the vitality and sustainability of artists and small organizations, ensuring a robust arts infrastructure in Maryland. It supports the arts community's evolving needs through relevant projects and collaborations within the state. Creativity Grants are awarded on a rolling basis until funds are depleted, limited to once per fiscal year for applicants. These grants are available for specific arts projects, events, or programs and cater to both independent artists and organizations, with the intention of fostering significant community impact and accessibility to the public.
Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than -1
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