Arts & Culture Grant

From The McKnight Foundation

The McKnight Foundation's mission is to advance a more just, creative, and abundant future where people and planet thrive. They envision a world that recognizes the dignity of every human being, celebrates the creativity of the arts and sciences, and comes together to protect our one and only Earth.

Type of Support


The Arts & Culture program supports organizations, programs, and projects that provide support structures for working artists and culture bearers to develop and share their work, and to lead in movements and communities. These artists and culture bearers spark our collective imagination, enrich the quality of our lives, and enhance the vitality and vibrancy of Minnesota.

Our strategies include:

  • Supporting partnerships that provide direct support for individual artists and culture bearers
  • Developing and sustaining the presence and visibility of underrepresented artists and cultural institutions, including Black, Indigenous, Asian, and Latinx artists, and those in rural areas, Tribal Nations, and across Greater Minnesota; and supporting working artists and culture bearers advancing justice.

Organizations must support artists and culture bearers in one or more of the following ways:

  • Training & Professional Development
  • Validation & Advocacy
  • Demand & Markets
  • Material Supports
  • Networks & Community
  • Information

Organizations must work with one or more of the following groups of artists and culture bearers:

  • Dancers/Movement Artists
  • Filmmakers/Media/Digital Artists
  • Playwrights/Literary/Spoken-Word Artists
  • Musicians/Sound Artists
  • Actors/Theater Artists
  • Photographers/Visual Artists/Ceramicists/Printmakers/Craft/Textile Artists
  • Arts-Based Community Developers


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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not specified


Required Attachments
ut magna
elit dolor
Contact info
Jane Doe
(555) 555-5555

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