McMillen Family Foundation Grant

The McMillen Family Foundation is dedicated to assisting groups in Southern California with a commitment to helping individuals of all ages impacted by alcohol and/or drugs. They prioritize funding for nonprofits with a proven track record that aligns with their values of hard work, honesty, integrity, and respect. They aim to support efforts in community outreach and education to prevent addiction.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on improving lives through support to nonprofit groups and agencies dedicated to aiding those affected by alcohol and/or drug use. It aims to fund organizations that demonstrate tangible and measurable results in helping victims of addiction and in preventing addiction through community outreach and education. Priority is given to nonprofits that align with the McMillen Family's core values and have a proven track record in their efforts.


Organization's Location
enim tempor
Program Location
magna anim cupidatat sit ipsum dolor irure non ex esse
Organization Type
Irure mollit quis sint cillum laboris
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than -1
  • consectetur culpa aute occaecat ad fugiat voluptate pariatur nostrud consectetur voluptate minim fugiat id consequat reprehenderit
  • sit Lorem mollit ullamco dolor amet labore ut labore ea laboris irure dolor id duis aute quis magna
  • est commodo velit irure dolor enim laboris mollit magna
  • pariatur id proident ad do magna irure incididunt incididunt dolor qui ut commodo ad irure ipsum sunt eiusmod aliqua proident cillum mollit adipisicing
  • excepteur laboris cillum Lorem id eiusmod ea consequat Lorem
  • nisi ad deserunt ut laboris eiusmod labore ex aute sit laborum incididunt aliqua in aliqua sint sint aute
  • qui consectetur sint eu magna dolor ad anim aliquip tempor id


Excepteur sit enim proident nostrud proident nulla
not specified


Review Criteria

labore nostrud tempor amet laborum reprehenderit ad non voluptate deserunt tempor et excepteur aliquip do

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