Michael Foundation Grant

From The Michael Foundation

The mission of The Michael Foundation is to foster, to promote and to support the advancement of quality Waldorf Education in North America, including Canada, Mexico, and the USA.

Type of Support


The foundation awards grants to AWSNA approved training centers, programs, and individuals that align with the goal of providing young people with the tools to develop into free, moral, and integrated individuals, supporting each child's unique destiny. Grants typically range from $2,000 to $6,000, with occasional grants up to $10,000, funded through the generosity of The Hon. and Mrs. L. Barron Hill.


Organization's Location
Canada, Mexico, USA
Program Location
North America
Organization Type
Waldorf schools with “Full Member” status in AWSNA/WECAN
Waldorf Teacher Training Centers with “Full Member” status in AWSNA/WECAN
  • Must support Waldorf Education in furthering DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) practices
  • Institutions must support Waldorf Teacher Training programs, Eurythmy training, Arts & Crafts, etc.
  • Prefer individuals who have completed their first year of training
  • Funds must be designated for students most in need
  • Must include a statement of the organization's non-discriminatory policies regarding hiring/admissions
  • Schools must verify not-for-profit status
  • Schools can apply for aid for special projects beyond teacher training


Charter Schools
Projects focused on Capital Expenses
2k – 10k


Review Criteria

Our primary focus is on awarding scholarships to competent and deserving candidates who are pursuing Waldorf teacher education, with the intention of teaching at Waldorf schools that are acknowledged by AWSNA/WECAN as independent or private institutions.