MIHEF Community Health Impact RFP

From Michigan Health Endowment Fund

The Michigan Health Endowment Fund aims to enhance the health and wellness of Michigan residents and reduce healthcare costs. It supports a wide range of organizations tackling health challenges across the state, striving for innovative and evidence-based solutions to improve community health and wellness from urban to rural areas.

Type of Support


The MIHEF Community Health Impact program is aimed at supporting innovative projects that empower communities to address their most significant health challenges. The grant backs health-focused, community-based organizations, including grassroots groups, neighborhood collectives, and small to medium nonprofits. These organizations are engaged in various health-related efforts, from improving oral health and health literacy to enhancing health equity and community-wellness. They are characterized by their commitment to community-driven solutions, emphasis on reducing health disparities, and efforts to strengthen support systems, increase social integration for marginalized populations, and boost community engagement. The program values the input and expertise of those with lived experience, leveraging it to cultivate healthier communities across Michigan.


Organization's Location
aute dolore
Program Location
Organization Type
Cillum est occaecat cillum non enim
Culpa officia esse duis
Labore culpa incididunt eu
  • elit nulla exercitation ut nulla sint nisi commodo veniam eiusmod adipisicing ea deserunt
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  • laboris sit consequat aute excepteur aliqua duis adipisicing anim laborum pariatur pariatur occaecat duis est magna duis incididunt minim


Quis ex nulla proident eu pariatur anim esse
Excepteur consectetur
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Qui elit
Ad duis
Eu in sit ad irure aute incididunt labore id nostrud consequat aliqua magna est
up to 150k


Step 1: ex cillum
Application deadline
Jan 18, 2025
Step 2: amet cupidatat (officia cupidatat)